by Michael Bayne | Apr 28, 2010 | Orange 2010
Orange what…Orange Conference…what is that? Good question and since I am blogging from the conference all week and it is 7:50 AM (6:50 in Clarksville) and I am still not very awake I thought I would explain what we mean by Orange and why this is the Orange...
by Michael Bayne | Apr 27, 2010 | book review
We all have a plan laid out for our life, a preference, a Plan A that we pursue. We even ask God to jump in and help make our Plan A come to reality…maybe God even does help us see that dream become a reality. The question is what happens when Plan A does not...
by Michael Bayne | Apr 27, 2010 | Uncategorized
by Michael Bayne | Apr 26, 2010 | family ministry, Orange 2010
So excited to be heading to The Orange Conference again in 2010 and this time I am joining a team of guest bloggers to help you stay connected and think orange in your ministry context. Throughout the conference I will be trying to share the BIG IDEAS that are being...
by Michael Bayne | Apr 24, 2010 | Uncategorized
God rocked our family when he gave us Kelyn! She is our little Godzilla and loves making us all laugh. Beautiful, smart, loving, and passionate are all words that help paint the picture of my little girl. Happy Birthday Kelyn! We love you!
by Michael Bayne | Apr 22, 2010 | youth ministry
What does sustainable youth ministry look like…get this book and you will be able to see some amazing insight into how to build a healthy student ministry. Most of us who work with teens want a thriving ministry, a large ministry, an engaging ministry, but few...
by Michael Bayne | Apr 21, 2010 | family ministry, leadership, youth ministry
This week is the NFL draft and I heard a comment the reminded me of the power of STAYING when it comes to effective leadership in ministry. The Tennessee Titans general Manager said…we can take a risk on a younger player in the draft because we have a stable...
by Michael Bayne | Apr 20, 2010 | family ministry, Parenting
Last night our daughter was coughing really bad and my wife and I both knew we need to give her a breathing treatment…neither one of us wanted to stop 24 to do it but we needed to go help the kid have a good night of sleep. I ended up getting up, getting the...
by Michael Bayne | Apr 19, 2010 | family ministry, Orange
We are 8 days away from the Orange Conference! How did I know that? I opened my iPhone conference app! Did you hear that? I have a conference app for my phone. I am so proud of the Rethink Team for taking this jump and making an app for the conference. Just played...
by Michael Bayne | Apr 17, 2010 | Grace Community Church
One of our core beliefs at Grace Community is that everyone was made to SERVE. God is doing an amazing work at GCC and we are seeing new people join us every week. With growth comes the need for more volunteers. We are looking for some amazing people to join our...