by Michael Bayne | Apr 1, 2010 | family ministry
Kid’s (preschoolers and k-5 kids) need great worship leaders! Not people going through the motions but leaders who are passionate about engaging kids and leading them to express their hearts to God through song and dance. We have known this a long time with...
by Michael Bayne | Mar 31, 2010 | Grace Community Church, leadership
We are four days away from Easter and the excitement here at the GCC offices is pretty thick. We decided in every ministry area to try some pretty big things this year. We are making room for guests by moving our adult gatherings into the gym at Rossview High School....
by Michael Bayne | Mar 30, 2010 | book review
I picked up Getting NAKED by Patrick Lencioni up last week and in just a few days had devoured the entire thing. Lencioni writes leadership books in story form and everybody loves a good story. The book reveals the power that is harnessed by an organization when they...
by Michael Bayne | Mar 30, 2010 | family ministry
At Grace Community we are working hard to create incredible worship experiences for kids week and and week out. In four years we have had a ton of time to practice! Kids learn theology through the songs they sing so it is so important to help kids latch on to songs...
by Michael Bayne | Mar 29, 2010 | Uncategorized
I have basketball on the brain. I have watched way too many hours of basketball this month and this past Friday I got to go to St. Louis with my wife and watch Tennessee beat Ohio State…for sure the biggest win in UT basketball history. Today I had to watch the...
by Michael Bayne | Mar 25, 2010 | family, leadership
Today is the day…I turned 34 today. Spend yesterday with my wife and 2 kids at the zoo, and got to hang out that night with some of our family. Since I was out of the office and away from my normal routine I could not help but be overwhelmed by all of...
by Michael Bayne | Mar 24, 2010 | Grace Community Church
Just wondering for those of you who live here in Clarksville…what do you like about our city? I know there are things you don’t like but I have lived in enough places to tell ya…there are things about every city you won’t love. Chelsea and I...
by Michael Bayne | Mar 23, 2010 | book review
Stop what you are doing and go order this one from Amazon! Our team here at GCC just spend the morning processing the book and one thing we all agreed with was that Seth Godin hit this one out of the park. This is a book that will challenge, inspire, frustrated,...
by Michael Bayne | Mar 22, 2010 | family ministry, youth ministry
One of my favorite conferences to be a part now is The Orange Conference. If you are a student, children, or preschool leader out there then this conference is for you. I know we are used to have conference experiences where we separate teen and children leaders into...
by Michael Bayne | Mar 21, 2010 | leadership
Northern Iowa just upset #1 seed Kansas to advance to the sweet 16 in the NCAA Tournament. Kansas has the history, the reputation, the players, the coach, but they are going home and Northern Iowa is moving on. I’m not sure where the school is, who the coach is,...