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I had a hard parenting night Tuesday. Ready for the truth…here goes…I lost my cool with my 3 year old and have been losing my cool with her in the past few months frequently. Our youngest is an amazing little girl who is confident and passionate about...

GOD BRINGS…clarity in the midst of chaos

Reading through the Bible in a year will lead you to some parts of Scripture that are difficult to embrace. The Old Testament is packed with moment after moment of WHAT IS GOING ON and WHO IS THIS GOD. These moments seem so disconnected from the picture of God we gain...

MERGE 2010

We made it to MERGE weekend at relevant. We have more students signed up for this weekend than we ever have and for the first time we have both locations together for the experience. So pumped about what God is going to go! Just wanted to ask anyone who reads this...

I had “fun” today

We have heard people describe Grace Community Church as a “fun” place to go to church the past few weeks. This is how it goes…A GCC attender tells a friend that they are going to GCC then they drop the dirty word when it comes to talking about your...