by Michael Bayne | Jan 17, 2010 | Uncategorized
I have discovered and embraced a new idea…the visual worship leader. Spent a day this past week with a group of church leaders, at Visual Worship 2010, who create environments for people to gather for worship and a round table discussion in St. Louis. You may...
by Michael Bayne | Jan 14, 2010 | youth ministry
Who is NEXT when it comes to leading the ministries we currently lead? Not sure if you have thought about this BUT the kids you lead each week in your teen or kid environment are the NEXT leaders we are equipping NOW. We are equipping them even if we have not thought...
by Michael Bayne | Jan 13, 2010 | youth ministry
Everybody needs people around them they can trust. When you trust the people on your staff, on your volunteer team, that you contract work to, ministry just goes so much smoother! Believe me, there is nothing like a lack of trust to bring STRESS. Leading a student...
by Michael Bayne | Jan 11, 2010 | Uncategorized
I set a goal for myself to read the Bible through in a year and YouVersion is helping me do that. Not only am I going to read the entire Bible in a year I am going to do it all digitally. Yes for all of you who freak about people carrying a literal hard copy of the...
by Michael Bayne | Jan 10, 2010 | family ministry, youth ministry
Took these three shots of different environments at GCC we have tweaked, improved (you get the idea) the past few months. Sure we still meet at Rossview High, sure we are stoked about building a facility in the future, but we know we have to keep adjusting our...
by Michael Bayne | Jan 8, 2010 | family ministry, leadership, youth ministry
Youth and Children’s pastors catch a ton of flack for changing ministry settings quickly. NOT SO FAST MY FRIEND…here is the truth. Many of us are young, are trying to figure out where we fit, and what leadership environment we need to thrive. When you hire...
by Michael Bayne | Jan 8, 2010 | Uncategorized
Youth and Children’s pastors catch a ton of flack for changing ministry settings quickly.
by Michael Bayne | Jan 6, 2010 | family ministry, leadership, youth ministry
Finding the right team to serve with in ministry does not mean God will not lead you to serve in hard places. Look in Scripture at the life of the prophet Jeremiah…that was hard. Check out the thousands to men and women who serve in third world countries...
by Michael Bayne | Jan 6, 2010 | family ministry, leadership, youth ministry
Where you serve and who you serve with has a dramatic impact on the effectiveness of your ministry. Most of us who serve in churches, para-church ministries, or non-profits get our first position with the idea that if we just work hard enough we can make a huge...
by Michael Bayne | Jan 5, 2010 | leadership
The Passion Conference is simply a gathering of college students and next generation leaders that has been taking place, when God saw fit every few years all across the country. Passion, founded and led by Louie Giglio, exists to point college students to God, the...