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what i REALLY like about Christmas…

Christmas is a big deal in my house. Decorations, parties, cooking, lights, eating, presents, church go full force this time of year for us. It got me thinking about what I like so much about November and December…Watching my kids count down the days till...

why blog?

After 495 posts I can officially say…I am a blogger. I looked back today and realized that I have made blogging a regular part of my life. This ( is my online web journal. I started doing this as a simple way to talk about ministry, my family,...

Thankful for FALL 2009!

Thankful each week I get to serve teens here in Clarksville with our team of volunteers!Thankful Remix (our weekly gathering) grew in amazing ways. Thanks to everyone who invited friends into this weekly experience.Thankful we were able to partner with One Church and...

why your ministry needs a website

Connected with a friend in Virginia and found his ministry website and I was reminded how important it is for us to have website’s for the ministries we lead. Several years back when we launched our kids / teen environments at GCC we decided to invest in web...

directing passion vs. discovered passion

A few of us on the GCC team are working to fine tune our communication process (how we get people info). Our website, our weekly info card we pass out at the gathering, the information table, Facebook, texting, and twitter are all great communication tools but what we...

watch what you pray for!

We are so excited about what God is doing at Grace Community Church here in Clarksville. In four years we have seen God do unexplainable things in the lives of people. It has been an amazing adventure. We have been a church on the move since our first day. We have had...

Engaging kids WITH VIDEO (you make!)

We love the mix of our live storytellers and video in our large group gathering for kids each week at Cross Street. We find that when we mix up what is going on with the screen and what is being taught live we help our kids stay focused. All video gets...