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  • Still recovering from the Orange Conference last week. I have been to all three years of this conference and this was the best year. Thanks to the Orange team for the great work. Thanks for creating space for a fresh approach to ministry to the family! Our team came away with tons of insight and renewed passion to serve the families at Grace Community!
  • The best compliment I can give to the RETHINK team (guys who do the Orange Conference) is that they IMPROVE their products, material, ministry strategy, and conference every year. They listen to feedback and make improvements. That is what makes this team great.
  • Phil Wickham…do whatever you have to but go get both his Cd’s right now. Phil did a great job at Orange and I have been blown away the past few days by his writing. Great worship leader!
  • Reggie Joiner…best talk on the partnership on the church and the family I have ever heard at Orange. Thanks Reggie!
  • Andy Stanley and Perry Noble said some great stuff about communication at Orange that i am still processing, will blog later.
  • 2 more weeks of REMIX here at relevant student ministry! My heart is overwhelmed when I look back on this season on the teens we have been able to invest in. STOKED about these last 2 weeks.
  • Got to speak yesterday at GCC and start the ROADTRIP series. Thankful for the chance to communicate and you can check out the service yesterday at and click on resources.
  • We have some big announcements coming for our kids ministry at GCC this month…I CAN NOT WAIT TO SHARE THE NEWS, but I will!
  • Cross Street Live and Summer Camp are what I need to focus on this week, FOCUS please Michael FOCUS!
  • I love twitter…there I said it. As much as I like Facebook, I love twitter. Go sign up!
  • Going to see Death Cab for Cutie tonight at the Ryman in Nashville. SO STOKED.