- Had a great 2 days last week in New Orleans prepping for SERVE new orleans in July with a group of GCC high school students. God opened some great doors for our team to partner with a local church and serve in the 7th ward.
- Saturday we got to go to Elliot Watts 60th birthday party. Love the Watts family and really it was a reminder that success in life is measured in relationships. Elliot has given so much to others and it was great to be able to hang out and love on him and connect with old friends! Katrina and Cassandra…you there a great party for your dad!
- The close of the EPIC series was strong. We saw tons of people choose to follow Christ Sunday morning. As we talked about the end times it was wild to see the response of the people to heaven and hell. In most churches people clap and shout when you talk about Judgement of this world. It hit our folks hard because God has allowed so many of us to have real friendships with people who are not Christ followers. GREAT JOB TODAY CHAD!
- This was the last week for Daniel Doss to lead at GCC. Daniel, you are a great friend and I will miss ya. GREAT job to DDB today. On a good note, NOW I GET TO BRING DDB back for student events. HOORAY for relevant! Love Daniel and Emily!
- We are headed to the ORANGE CONFERENCE this week…SO excited for our family ministry team. Go check out the Orange Conference at www.theorangeconference.com
- Loved the Titans 2009 draft. I am a addicted to the NFL draft. I did well this year with not allowing it to take over the weekend. Just used my cell to stay in touch. GO TITANS!
- On another sports quick hit…GO CHICAGO BULLS! Young team, looking good!
- Really excited about camps and mission trip for the Relevant Student Ministry…It is going to be fun to see what God does in the lives of teens this year.
- Excited that we are starting a new series at GCC Sunday called road trip and I get to lead off the series and speak this first week. Thanks Ron and Chad for the chance to go for it. LOVE the plan for the service. Higdon and the creative team have some cool surprises coming this week.