It is Monday and it has been a early start to the week. Early morning meeting to think, pray and plan some stuff at Grace Community. Not a big early morning person but I made it and I made it on time. That is huge for me and early morning meetings. Today I was on time, what a WIN. God is doing some amazing things at Grace Community in the lives of people. It was great to pray, think, discuss, dream about the future with a group of people that love Jesus more than attendance, buildings, and budgets. It is great to look to the future and ask God what he wants us to do….NOT WHAT WE WANT TO DO. Our ideas are good but the best path forward is God’s plan. Great days are ahead for GCC but hope we do not have too many more of these early morning things, wow…lunch anybody! Please! Just a few other thought banding around in my head this morning…

  • We each need to be coming to God in prayer with the details of our life! How can we gripe about life when we do not talk to God about real life stuff. Problems at work, hard times with family, the money crunch going around. We all really need to ask God to be a part of the details of our life. Just been reminded of this so much lately.
  • Chelsea and I had a great time last night in our new community group. Kids loved playing with their friends more. So glad God has allowed us to connect with this group of people.
  • Proud of the Titans not blaming the loss on the refs and that terrible NO CALL on the delay of game in the 4th quarter. REFS, TERRIBLE job but our tram lost that game. Titans are a class organization.
  • Proud of our family ministry team here at GCC and the volunteer staff. SUNDAY and last Wednesday WAS GREAT and you made it happen. Thanks for investing in the lives of kids and teens each week.
  • It was great to see so many folks at Grace Community Sunday. It dawned on me that in the beginning people came to grace because of the buzz and invitations of friends. Inviting people i so important but now people are coming back because of significance. God is doing significant things in our hearts. Thanks God.
  • Last week we had some warm weather and we got to hang out with our neighbors on the best street in America. We love our neighbors, can not wait for warm weather and cookouts! BOOOOOOOO WINTER!
  • Go Eagles, my playoff hope!
  • check this commercial out from New Spring Church / AMAZING COMMERCIAL!