There were some great books that came out this year and some older stuff I have had to catch up on. It was hard to nail down just 5 books and I may currently be reading one that should be on this list but hey, this is a LIST POST so here goes. This are my the TOP 5 favorite reads this year…
- Linchpin by Seth Godin // great book that helps define what kind of leaders will shape organizations in the future
- Parenting Beyond Your Capcity by Reggie Joiner and Carey Nieuwhof // amazing read about how the family and church can partner for greater impact!
- Church in the Making by Ben Arment // never read a better book focused on church planting…this is a must read for any pastor. First book to help me understand what happened through our church plant 5 years ago at Grace Community Church.
- Death by Meeting by Patrick Lencioni // want to know how to lead a better meeting…this book will help. In fact get every Lencioni book and read it ASAP!
- Slow Fade by Reggie Joiner, Chuck Bomar, and Abbie Smith // this book inspired our Family Ministry team to totally rethink how we reach college students and pushed us to restructure our staff.