I have been thinking about volunteers the past few weeks. The next few days I am going to talk a little about what I have learned about leading volunteers. We serve in this thing called the CHURCH and since its beginning people have volunteered to make a difference in the Kingdom of God. It has always been and will always be. One question I have been asking myself as I evaluate my leadership is…HOW AND I DOING LEADING MY VOLUNTEER TEAM! This is a hard truth but the health of our volunteers reflect the health of our leadership. So many times we blame problems in our church and ministries on volunteers. That makes no sense when we have been placed in a leadership role with them (WITH THEM, NOT OVER THEM that is big but that is another post). Our job is to set them up to lead well and make progress. We all have to realize that our leadership ability is reflected in our volunteers. I know some of you are ready to punch me because you have some volunteer problems. RELAX…this is one area of leadership that is learned. You can get better at leading your volunteer team and you can start making changes today. Before you go off the deep end and try to fix things today just take some time and process…HOW AM I DOING IN MY LEADERSHIP OF VOLUNTEERS?