The camp I got to speak at last week was a partnership between 2 local churches. The partnership and the outcome were amazing. The adult leaders and the students connected in an amazing way. It was so exciting to see 2 youth ministries work together to serve teens in our city. What did the partnership bring to the camp…
- Better ideas…both teams brought energy and ideas to the camp!
- Better flow…both groups helped make the camp flow better with more volunteers at camp.
- Better attendance…the group combined helped give the overall numbers of teens reached through the event move UP, they are all from the same city, THAT IS A WIN!
- Better small group leadership…the best leaders from both churches led small groups and did a great job. There was a great mix from both churches.
- Better support…both churches got to involve volunteers who did not go to camp to make camp happen. Food, supplies, camp prep…all that stuff!
- Better production on stage…combining resources allowed the churches to make the gathering/teaching times better. The sessions were well planned and prayed over! Our student ministry was able to help the partnership with sound and lighting! It was cool to be able to support local ministry.
- Better energy…not sure how but there was a BUZZ about the churches being together. it worked.
This summer think about another church you could partner with in your community to work with. You might just be able to do more for teens working together than apart. We always hear that our churches are not competing. How about we do more than talk…lets partner together to advance the kingdom.