Lasting-Impression-300x250What is family ministry? It’s a common question from children’s and student pastors. How can I really know what “family ministry” is? How is it different that what I am already accomplishing through the ministry I lead? Is this just a new buzz word being thrown around?

All of these are good questions and all of them are questions that I had six years ago when I started processing how family ministry concepts could fit into the ministry setting I was leading. There seems to be a different perspective on family ministry around every corner and that is just fine because family ministry is a mindset and a strategy not a one size fit’s all program.

Family Ministry at it’s core is a partnership between church and home.

Family Ministry is a mindset and focus that influences everything you do in the children’s or student ministry you lead because it pushes you to work to connect church and home. You may have thought that by even processing the idea you were turning your back on your passion to serve kids and teens but that could not be more far from the truth. Every time your ministry empowers parents your ministry has a chance to shape the future of a child.

The best way to figure out what you really think about family ministry is to take out some time to get around other leaders who are thinking family ministry in their context. I hope you will take some time to check out the D6 Conference. The root of generational discipleship found in the ancient passage of Deuteronomy 6, which is what D6 is founded on. The D6 Conference isn’t just about one style of ministry, or curriculum, or strategy. It’s a multi-model conference bringing in ministry leaders from all across the board and it’s a great place for you to figure all this out!

There are 2 options for the D6 experience this year so check out this video…