We might not admit it publicly but when we have low attendance nights it is hard to deal with. Our teams put tons of time and effort into setting up our environments to make the maximum impact and when students are gone we all struggle. I was reminded last week there are some times when it is good to have low attendance. It has happened 2 times this year at REMIX, our high school service. The first time was when one of our local high schools made an incredible run into the state basketball playoffs. The second time happened this week when 2 of our local high schools met in the district baseball tournament. Seriously, there were about 50-60 students that are connected with our high school ministry that were at the game! Yes we had a smaller crowd and yes we still had a great night. Later that night after processing how many students were at the game I realized that these are just the students God has allowed us to connect with and invest in. We are connecting with tons of high school students who…
See our high school ministry as part of their life, not the center of their life. // hopefully these students are pursuing a relationship with Christ not just a relationship with our student ministry.
AreĀ involved both at school and in the community // these are students that are not just attending school, they participate in the process! Yes they are busy and we have to deal with that reality.
Are connected to other teens // many of the high school students we are reaching have relationships with other teens outside our student ministry
Are inviters // many of the high school students not only attend our ministry they invite others to be a part of this movement. There is nothing better that seeing high school students reach other high school students.
When you reach a wide audience of teens you just have to embrace the fact that you are going to have those nights. Depending on your community and your students there are just going to be nights when you have low attendance and that is a good thing!