Yes we go vote in the morning. Chelsea and I are going to take turns hanging out with the kids so we can both go and vote. It is very exciting to see so many people passionate about this election. If you know me then you know I love a little political action. It has really been cool to have friendships with democrats, republicans and independents and hear their ideas and passion for this election. Yes you can be a follower of Christ and be any of these three options. We need a viable third party in America for all of us who really do desire reform ans who have been burned by either the blue or red. Jesus is not involved in anything but advancing the Kingdom of God. So for all of you who have your ideas of what will is the best plan for America, good luck. The best thing we can do as Christ followers is vote, pray, live out our faith, and serve others. We can make this country a better place to live, raise a family, and work as we as followers of Christ live as Christ. I am so thankful that God has given us freedom here in America. Go out and vote. Not matter who wins, our God reigns! Oh and watch this video to inspire you to go vote on Nov. 4!